The geometric, exponential growth of confirmed cases globally is increasing alarmingly day by day. Tens of thousands of new cases emerge daily with many of them are being treated, a few reported to have mild symptoms, and many dies. The outbreak of this global pandemic disease transmits easily from one person to another. We as individuals together can protect ourselves, our family and the neighbours surrounding us by ramping a few precautionary measures to curb the spread of the infectious disease. Here is how to take care of yourself during pandemic Covid-19 crisis
Adhering to strict lockdown measures and restrictions on the movement of the people can slow down the spread of COVID 19. As these are already in place, the cases can be reduced further to nil by making a few changes in your hygiene practices. Now, read through the article and find out what you can do and must do to take care of yourself during pandemic COVID 19 crisis to protect you, your family and the community!
1. Break the chain: The COVID 19 outbreak spreads exponentially from the infected person to healthy individuals. The disease is more vulnerable for older people and among the individuals who already have medical issues. Following a few below-mentioned measures to take care of yourself during a pandemic can break the chain of transmission, thereby protecting yourself from getting sick and prevents others from getting infected.
- Clean your home as often as possible with the right cleaning agents.
- Use disinfectant cleaners marked as” kills 99% germs on the label”. Soak the paper towel with the disinfectant and wipe the doorknobs, microwave handles, refrigerator door, TV remote control, light switches, toilet flusher, eating surfaces, drawers, faucet handles, etc.
- Avoid sharing your mobile phone with others also, wipe it with 70% isopropyl alcohol. Never use bleach or other agents. Use your headset or turn on speaker mode option to avoid placing a cell phone close to your face.
- Spend quality time in your backyards and open places, but restrict using the playground equipment.
- Update yourself with any travel restrictions before you plan to step out to other places.
2. Prepare yourself: Stock up your groceries accordingly and prepare a household plan well ahead to meet any emergencies.
- Stop accumulating and shop wisely! Yes, don’t shop for groceries more than what is required for you and your family.
- Nibble on nutrient-rich foods to strengthen your immune system to prevent you from getting declined with the infections running around.
- For optimal health, frame out a diet chart and map your daily calorie intake.
- This is the time your taste bud hunt for processed foods, junk snacks, and sugary drinks. Avoid munching on these as champing on the poor diet can affect your immune system.
- Grab a few varieties of nuts, seeds, and dried fruits to have as a healthy snack.
- If you can head out, shop for fresh produce for daily needs and pile up the frozen products to use while in emergencies.
- Keep a thermometer handy and clean it with 70% isopropyl alcohol every time after use.
- Stock up at least three months prescription medicines to avoid shortage of supply or drug shortage. So, never miss even a single dose of medicine, refill your medicine bottle by ordering the prescription medicine from the best online pharmacy store in India, and avail free home delivery on every order you place.
- Keep an emergency bag ready with the essentials like toothpaste, cell phone charger, a water bottle, and masks. Also, make sure to carry health reports, insurance card and the list of emergency contact numbers.
3. Remain at home: Don’t panic, just stay calm! Protect yourself by staying indoors and take care of yourself during pandemic Covid crisis. Follow the below strategies while addressing your needs.
- Head out only when you need to buy essentials like groceries and prescription medicines.
- Self-monitor yourself for any COVID 19 symptoms.
- Frame out a daily routine structure and strictly adhere to it.
- Allow your kids and teens to use digital technology to connect with their friends, relatives, and other family members.
- Create a network and invite your friends, neighbours and family members to join the group. Care for them and share essentials if required during this COVID crisis.
- Use mask only if you are exposed to any sick people, but otherwise strictly follow social distancing.
4. Get well from illness: Many of us may develop mild to severe symptoms if susceptible to COVID 19. Here are a few things that you need to look into if you get sick.
- Check for specialized hospitals nearby to know where and how the tests need to be done in case if you have or suspect COVID 19 disease.
- If you develop flu-like symptoms, don’t rush to the hospital immediately. Connect with your family doctor or check for online doctor consultation and seek guidance. Buy prescription drugs online from a reliable online drugstore and get them delivered at your doorstep.
- Swab test is carried out to detect the infection and the samples are collected from inside the nose or the throat.
- Individual’s positive for COVID 19 may require hospitalization and typically released after two negative tests. They still need to isolate themselves for 14 days after symptoms have resolved.
COVID 19 is wreaking havoc on this unprepared world where there is no vaccine to beat this pandemic disease. This situation is creating fears and many breaking out with tears around the world. Let’s all together break the chain of transmission by strictly abiding by the government rules also to help you with follow the list of steps mentioned above to protect the surrounding people both in your family and the community!
Stop spreading and save lives!